Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." said Karl Marx, it is opium of people.

i know that now all of you will misinterpret the view because you never care about analyzing a context within which a thinker thinks simply because there is what we call influence, but back then religion was mean for enslave and source of suffering and at the same time the only means for getting out of suffering because a simple peasant had to serve a feudalist for a piece of heaven or pay the beast for a hut in heaven, pathetic yet real .....

numbed senses by many things like religion but if a mind operates properly for a secong we will find out it's all about fear ...... sometimes they replace religion with hope and sweet words said by others with this deluding smile ..... the sacred serenity has been the lost home for every oppressed.

losing a certain meaning or something to fight for made religion and god the only issues that seem to be of no price because people didn't even give a damn about setting values for them so they were the easiest to be achieved by endurance which will help them bearing with what they fear ....

what cought my attention for the second time and was also mentioned in the blog is i've never seen a war set upon an atheistic religion, besides, those who fight for freedom of choice and practices of religion are all atheists, also tribal attitudes are set based upon misinterpretation of religion.

i think a divine being has never been that shallow the way they treat him because he knows perception is the primary axis, and i mean it, my perception about God is what makes me see God, and we all imagine him as the human being, who can grin, smile, laugh, or do whatever a human can do, which is not true, because you can't imagine anything unless it's carved in your subconcious mind and form images by assembling pieces like a jigsaw, so no one can treat the divine being as one like that .....

religion can be opium for the oppressed and also be a muder decision by manipulator, and hope can be opium or eternal slumber, we just need to break this solidity ...... so we just dragged the divinie to the undivine and went against it, then decided to sleep in oppression or manipulate the oppressed ...... pathetic


may be if i were an absurdist i wouldn't have suffered, and may be the real reason for my being is finding reason for my being ..... and may be the logic beyond the universe is setting dimensions for the universe .... and may be that's where fantasies remedy a human's mind, and may be belief is what i need .... starting with nothingness and ending with nothingness is never logic, but it starts with the absolute and ends with the absolute ....

sometimes i believe it's absurd, but my mind goes in rebellion against the one who wrote the play because i never chose being one of the cast, and then i ask why did he exist as an author of the absurdist play? .... why existance? it turns to have no meaning but this cannot be, simply because i don't own the divine knowledge that gives me the ability to think but this is unfair .... or at least this is where i am led .....

i was born questioning and then accused of using my mind though it's my simplest right, and "absurd" is never the meaning i sought, and will never be ..... because finding the meaning in itself is the meaning that's what i believe sometimes .... and even if i am still questioning, i could answer some ..... and the answer was not "absurd" ......


well it was a part of a song, a short one, called rebel minds and frightened tongues, it goes like silence and what lies behind, rebel minds and frightened tongues, and now we will stop because i didn't come to write the song actually, i came to write a feeling, but i am no longer a frighetend tongue, and it makes no difference with a stonedeaf nation, that's the fact, rebel minds and rebel tongues speaking to stonedeaf, pathetic, frightened ears, written words to virgin eyes and virgin minds.

also virgin-like minds, minds pretending purity, and frailty, while they are just capitalizing, selling words, they may seem to be so real, and thats' the problem, what eyes see mind believes, but as i mentioned before there is always something lying beyond something and unraveled according to human perception and nothing else, so we live in parallel universes ..... though the idea of a parallel universe is totally different...

in a parallel universe u might find someone who's just like you, but in order to see this universe you need to explore 12 different dimensions (as far as i know), so imagine we have 3 and time the vague and 4th dimension, and 8 are missing how are we to communicate with the parallel universe?
this is the level of communication between human beings, and that's why i used the term parallel universe.


You scored as Marius, You are the quiet cool. You are so mellow people are lulled into a false sense of security. When you are pissed god help anyone who crosses you?



















Deacon Frost


Whose your Vampire personality? (images)
created with
sorry Omar, am stealing yer name, well am not talking about existence, am talking about the simplest forms of existentialism, i never believed in conventionalism, i've always believed that there is no one point of philosophy to define features of one human's life and manifest his existance, that's simply a human, a pile of interactions and thoughts with every single surrounding, a pile of contradictions, that's why i respect Jean Paul Sartre the most, the grand existentialist, may be the first one to call for it was Nietzsche but this man ressurected it.

to my beloved question, is the problem about the existance of the divine being??? .... do we believe to set ourselves free of thinking or disbelieve to set ourselves free of belief???

the answer is a believer and an an athesit both do it for liberation, and the answer is the problem is not about the divine being, it's about human, instinctive betsiallity VS spirituallity, who wins is whom u want to win and not the actual winner, and contradiction arises when you're so true to yourself and knowing they both exist.

with all my respect to atheists and believers, God is not the issue .... in both cases i do EXIST
