Wednesday, August 01, 2007

sorry Omar, am stealing yer name, well am not talking about existence, am talking about the simplest forms of existentialism, i never believed in conventionalism, i've always believed that there is no one point of philosophy to define features of one human's life and manifest his existance, that's simply a human, a pile of interactions and thoughts with every single surrounding, a pile of contradictions, that's why i respect Jean Paul Sartre the most, the grand existentialist, may be the first one to call for it was Nietzsche but this man ressurected it.

to my beloved question, is the problem about the existance of the divine being??? .... do we believe to set ourselves free of thinking or disbelieve to set ourselves free of belief???

the answer is a believer and an an athesit both do it for liberation, and the answer is the problem is not about the divine being, it's about human, instinctive betsiallity VS spirituallity, who wins is whom u want to win and not the actual winner, and contradiction arises when you're so true to yourself and knowing they both exist.

with all my respect to atheists and believers, God is not the issue .... in both cases i do EXIST



Anonymous Anonymous said...

do we believe to set ourselves free of thinking or... disbelieve to set ourselves free of belief???
what matters is that in both we x-ist
whatever the choice will be
love the way u make things both complicated n simple in the same time ronnie

4:19 PM  
Blogger Pygmalion said...

love the way you treat my thoughts loby

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

all respect u for what u r ya mozza ;)
who wouldn't love sweet mozza panda ?? =D

5:25 PM  

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