hey .... i knwo some issues are turning to be a little weird these days a flood of entries but they are all about things that eat into my brain these days ... an issue of adaptability and stuff like that has eaten into my brain for days ... why adapting???? work environment forces human to adaptability issues and "OUTCAST" issue i discussed will lead to thinking about that ... well well ... working environment is the greatest example i can ever submit on my blog ... why talking like they do?? why thinking the way they do??? why acting the way they do?? self improvemnet is all about a reincarnation of the same mentallity "i appear renewed and reforged" but having the same broad lines of Ronnie of the Ronnunism ... it took me one minute to realize i WILL NEVER be another them ... well frankly speaking am dragged into the no where but i will not follow just because they found the steps ... simply because these are not my foot steps .. the most important part is i was reading a book criticizing Paul Tillich for being a theologian who adopts estrangement or alienation .... are we not all contradicting or it's because he had the guts to spit it?? ... well frankly speaking he did not have the guts to spit his atheistic existential thoughts, yet hye refered to them by several means ... but we all hide in the one face and hide the other ...i know i am contradicting and confused but i never hide my contradictions ... i am in estragement... who said i have to be into theology??? yet people treat theology and God like characters in marvels ... God will be the good guy who will come out of the blues and save the world ... well i mean no offense yet i mean if it were god's mission from the very beginning he wouldn't have made human in the first place the way he is ... he's just a higher animal after all ... yet i believe his evolution started from human not ape ... am not a Darwinist even if people will call me silly i don't care to me it makes no sense to me ... creation sometimes make sense but if i am stuck in circles of creation i will ask the old question and this stuff ... been asking for long and now the issue turned from him existing to me already existing so where shall i go????
Labels: estranged