Friday, April 13, 2007
Previous Posts
- for my mates Caeser and Lobna .... first of all lo...
- this is my last entry ... sorry I won't write agai...
- we crumble .. yet they never crumble ... we fall ....
- Angels on the sideline,Puzzled and amused.Why did ...
- tell me young men, or old men .... or may be livin...
- That's why photographers are not allowed
- where are u??? who are u???? why not us??? it's on...
- crucify thyselves even more lame nation .... and t...
- no more indirect psycho or old or whetever people ...
- madness of my third eye ...... why do I face such ...
looooooool basra ya ronnie :D
shoftee el wad sal7oufa 3'andee h2h2
mahatma ghandi speaks :
from ghandi to both hetlars , el makan mo7asar.
ghaleban howa sadda2:D:D:D:D uncle ghandyyyyy bas saba7 far2 el 7agm ya3ni :D:D:D tayeb enta bet2ool 3aya kezm w hitler kan short bas ghandy kan anemic wenta sal7oof w 3andak sadafa fe batnak ... 7amel ya3ni :D:D:D .... Ronnie
ah ya kezm ..
loooooool 7a'le balak anena 2tneeen 3la wa7ed we 2keed 7nksbak ya 3am gandee.. ;p
2tneen Hitlers against wa7ed sal7oufa 3'andee.. ;p
wallahi fekra gamda .... etneen kezm hitler w wa7ed sal7oof ghandy ... yayyy hane7ra2o f holocaust mo7tarama .... bas ana mosh basadda2 feha besara7a ba7essaha eshteghala kebeera 3alashan logically el german hyper inflation makansh yekhaleehom ye3melo forn 3eesh mosh holocaust walla eih ra2yoko? ... Ronnie
loooooooool hoolocust eh bas ya ronnie?? h3h3 la2 ya baby a7na 7an3malo fe snyat btates we n3la2 el bta3a eele 3la dhro dee 3al 7ata h3h3... y2la y3zmna 3la 7'roga we 2y 7aga tege fee balak ya ronnie.. eh r2yak????
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